Select number of guests

Please contact us in order to discuss the booking for more than 8 people.
Phone: +47 77691166

Welcome to the online booking for Restaurant Suvi Tromsø

Hi! here you can place a table reservation with us. You will receive a confirmation email.

If you are a larger group of more than 8 people, you must contact us on telephone 77 69 11 66 or by e-mail

Please indicate if you are from the same household or not. (If you are not from the same household, we must provide 1 meter between you)

If not everyone is from the same household, please indicate how many are fully vaccinated.

Unless otherwise agreed, the table is at their disposal from the desired time and two hours ahead.

The table is held for a maximum of 20 minutes by many in attendance. We experience that many get our confirmation in the spam / garbage filter.

Please check this if you are waiting for a booking confirmation. If you have not received confirmation, please contact us.

Welcome to us!