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Please contact us in order to discuss the booking for more than 20 people.
Phone: +36 707964711

Welcome to the online booking for Cut & Barrel.

In our Bistro restaurant, we aim to introduce our guests to contact-cousine dishes that blend the basics of Basque and Latin American culture.

By combining the two cultures, we have created a unique selection that harmoniously complements each other.

Our basic philosophy is that we see food and meals as a community-building force.
Latin-Cousine always complements an important event, whether it’s a family gathering or just a night out: our food is always about connecting. This is the basis of Basque cuisine. The Basque people love food and can’t imagine gatherings of friends or family without sitting around a table. It’s no coincidence that Basque gastronomy has become one of the most atmospheric cuisines in Europe.