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Please contact us in order to discuss the booking for more than 8 people.
Phone: +372 51996698
Von Gernet restaurant team

Dear guest! Welcome to the reservation website of the cafe-restaurant Von Gernet.

We reserve a table for you for 2 hours. If you want to enjoy your time with us longer, please let us know in advance.

If for some reason you will be late or have to cancel your reservation, please do so by e-mail or by calling the restaurant directly +372 5199 6698. The table will be reserved for you for 15 minutes.

In order to provide you with the most enjoyable visit experience possible, we appreciate it if you inform us of allergies, specific food preferences/restrictions in advance via the contacts above.

If you are visiting our restaurant on the occasion of an important anniversary and you want to organize something special for that occasion, inform the restaurant staff in advance so that we can prepare accordingly and make your visit unforgettable!


Welcome to Von Gernet Restaurant!