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Velkommen til online booking for Cork Vinbar
Som udgangspunkt haves bordet i 2 timer. Ønsker bordet i længere tid, bedes i sende en mail på info@corkvinbar.dk.
Vær opmærksom på, at ved forsinkelse på mere end 15 minutter, forbeholder vi os retten til at give jeres bord videre til andre.
Lad os derfor venligst vide, hvis I er forsinkede, så I kan beholde jeres reservation. +45 51 81 99 92
As a minimum, you have the table for 2 hours. If you would like the table for longer, please send an email to info@corkvinbar.dk.
Please also note that if you are more than 15 minutes late for your reservation we have the right to give away your table, so please give us a call if you are running late and we will keep the table for you. +45 51 81 99 92