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All day dining MEKK Restaurant & Bar offers modern Estonian cuisine with exceptional service by bringing traditional Estonian ingredients with a modern touch to local and international guests. It combines food knowledge and characteristic to the Estonian cuisine and culture and uses the best raw ingredients originating both from Estonia and from other parts of the world.

Also offering hotel-all day dining classics such as Burgers, but in Estonian style. Our Executive Chef Rene Uusmees is also the founder of MEKK cuisine and proudly preserving Estonian cuisine and culture with our culinary team.


MEKK BAR - the wine experts and barman of MEKK rely on the ideology of modern Estonian cuisine and the results of their work can be seen in what we call The Primer of Modern Drinks.

This overview of drinks covers both the national drinks-the classical cocktail with the liqueur called Vana Tallinn, berry wines from local wine producers, the sparkling wine called Fest - as well as a list of exquisite international drinks served in MEKK for a reasonable price. In the long run we are planning to include natural cider, local made draft beer and the house wines to the primer as well.


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